For a very long time, it was unheard of to buy a push gift for the new father. After all, he didn’t carry the baby for over nine months, deal with backache and swollen ankles and endure labor to push the baby out, right? Well, while he may not have physically dealt with this discomfort, there is a good chance that he lost sleep, worried a lot, made ice-cream runs in the middle of the night and may have even been called a few choice words in the delivery room. Doesn’t he deserve a little recognition?
If you think so, you are not alone. The latest trend is women buying the man in their life a gift to thank them for their support and to celebrate the birth of their child. So, if you agree that it is a great idea, you are probably wondering what is appropriate to give the new dad.
- Pocket Watch – Although few men will actually wear a pocket watch unless they frequent black tie events, this is a gift that makes a fantastic heirloom to pass down to future generations.
- Cuff Links – Does your guy wear cufflinks to work or when you go out for a night at the theater? If so, there are plenty of baby inspired cufflinks available. Alternatively, you could always get a pair in the baby’s birthstone.
- Tie Clip – Having a tie clip personalized with birthstones or your baby’s name and birth date is an excellent idea for the man who wears a tie every day to work.
- Tags – Similar to dog tags that those in the military wear, these tags are stamped with the baby’s name and birthday. This is a push gift that nearly any guy will wear.
- Sports Tickets – If your guy is a sports fanatic, tickets could be the best gift ever, especially if they are playoff tickets! It would be nice to maybe let him take one of this buddies to the game so he can have a guy’s night out; he likely needs it.
- Golf Gift Card – Giving a gift card is typically the worst idea ever. However, if he does not need new clubs or balls, you could always buy a gift card or prepay for a few rounds for him at his usual course. If he is a really avid golfer, then perhaps a golf course GPS would be ideal. They come loaded with thousands of courses so all he has to do is pull up the course he is at and hole he is on, and he will know everything about it, including the slope of the green.