If you are struggling to come up with push present ideas because you are on a budget and you feel as though you have to spend a lot of money on one, you are certainly not alone! Many partners hear of celebrities buying the new mom in their lives extravagant gifts, but this does not mean that you have to. These are gifts that should be from the heart. Having a baby is expensive enough, so it is perfectly acceptable to buy an affordable gift, as long as it is meaningful. No, a gift card to the toy store is definitely not okay!
- Custom Fingerprint Heart Ring – It is absolutely amazing the things that you can find on Etsy.com, crafted by some pretty talented people. You can have the baby’s fingerprint molded right into a copper fingerprint ring. What an unusual and brilliant gift this is; it is certainly something she will want to show off to everyone.
- Kindle – Fair enough, this is definitely not something that you would find on a traditional list of push present ideas, but for the right person, the new Kindle could be the greatest gift idea ever. It certainly might make those long hours of staying up all night rocking and feeding a little easier. [Read more…] about Push Present Gift Ideas Under $100